glassemotion, sensations, gastronomy, Wine / 26.02.2021

The wine glass as a tool for taste The fermentation of fresh grapes is the fundamental component of the composition of a wine, it is also composed of water, ethyl alcohol or Ethanol, glycerin and glycerol, acids, and phenolic substances that are responsible for its flavor and aroma. We all know that; what we do not know is that these substances and elements are not the only ones responsible for the taste and aroma of a wine, since the flavor nuances of the wine we are tasting vary according to the glass in which we drink it. For this reason, glass manufacturers focus...

gastronomy, cocktails, glassemotion, neurogastronomy, sensations / 11.02.2021

When was neurogastronomy born? According to Gordon M. Shepherd, American professor specialized in Neurobiology at Yale University, "When humans ingest a food or drink, the taste they perceive is determined by smell and taste". And from this theory was born this neologism, which studies the way in which our brain perceives the taste of what we eat (food or drink), and how our senses act in response to these stimuli. Sense memory Shepherd was not wrong, however it has been scientifically proven that not only smell and taste act at the time of eating or drinking, but the five senses act synergistically and send...