“In a thin glass, please.” This is, without a doubt, the request that changed the course of thin glassware in Spanish cider culture over the last few years. And DKRISTAL played a role in this growth. Our company was the first to use thin glass in this sector.
The SELLA cider glass is one of our flagship items in the sector and has helped us extend thin glass culture into other sectors. (In northern Spain, people often have their mixed drinks in these cider glasses, too…)
It is so popular that the growth of cider and the growth of thin glassware go hand-in-hand. A winning combination that will continue to open up new markets for this traditional drink from northern Spain.
“In a thin glass, please.” This is, without a doubt, the request that changed the course of thin glassware in Spanish cider culture over the last few years. And DKRISTAL played a role in this growth. Our company was the first to use thin glass in this sector.
The SELLA cider glass is one of our flagship items in the sector and has helped us extend thin glass culture into other sectors. (In northern Spain, people often have their mixed drinks in these cider glasses, too…)
It is so popular that the growth of cider and the growth of thin glassware go hand-in-hand. A winning combination that will continue to open up new markets for this traditional drink from northern Spain.